Preorder Gloria by Priscila Lopes Size: 17"Head Circ: "Arms:...
Preorder Theo - Doris Moyers Hornbogen Size: 18/19"Head Circ: "Arms:...
Preorder Camellia - JoyLynn Wong Size: 17"Head Circ: "Arms:...
Preorder Lovan by Cassie Love Size: 19.5-20"Head Circ: "Arms:...
Alessandro by Cassie Love Size: 20 "Arms: FullLegs: FullEye Size:...
Aster by Toby Morgan Length: 18" preemie Eyes: 18mm (not included) Limbs: Full arms and legs Cloth body: not included COA: included Edition size of only 300 kits
Gaige by Toby Morgan Length: 16-17" preemie Eyes: closed Limbs: FULL arms and FULL legs Tummy plate: included Cloth body: includedCOA: included The total edition size: 250 kits
Sloan by Toby Morgan! Length: 18.5"Arms: FullLegs: FullHead Circumference: "Eye Size: 20mmBody: Cloth Body NO INCLUDEDTorso/BellyPlate: N/AEdition: TBDVinyl: Light Neutral Viny